learning experts

learning experts

Thursday 29 August 2013

Science Roadshow

In this experiment I had to try and blow up a long bag before Anna blew hers up. I lost because she used science. She held the bag away from her mouth, I had my mouth close to the bag like you would blow up a balloon.

In this activity I had to put the grey ball on the silver dot. Then I hit the ball around the edge of the oval. Most of the time the grey ball hit the target.

I had to turn the fan on high and then turn the table around to see how fast the yacht would go.

In this experiment two marbles were placed at the top of two ramps. One ramp was diagonal and the other was curved. It was a race to see which marble rolled down the fastest. Which one do you think would win? Scroll down to find out.

This was the hovercraft model.It felt like I was flying.

 Me and Shayden had fun turning on the buttons and switches.

Answer to Tane and Stanley's question: The curved ramp went fastest because the marble picked up more speed going down the curve.

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