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learning experts

Monday 1 September 2014

Information report on Sabertooth tigers


Sabertooth tiger is its more famous name but it is
actually called smilodon. Smilodon is the most 
famous of its breedbut there are many more kinds 
of its category. For instance, marchairodus 
giganteus'a skull is so large, it dwarves the domestic 
Cats we own today.


Sabertooth tigers grow up to fifteen feet in length 
and they are just smaller than a panther. They can 
also weigh up from 350-620 pounds. Sabertooth
cats have short,bobbed tails,muscular necks, and
long,dagger like canine teeth that can grow up to 
11 inches long.


The Sabertooth tigers live in North America and 
Europe and spread throughout Asia,Africa,and south
America. Sabertooth tigers existed in grasslands,
Dense shrub covered areas,pine forests,grassy plains,
Woodlands,dry areas and even sometimes icy 
Habitats like the ice age 


A Sabertooth tigers prey are plant eaters example:
They eat things like elephants,buffalo,and zebras


Sabertooth tigers don't eat anything that grows 
From soil or dirt example: they eat animals.


Other animals don't hunt a Sabertooth tiger.
Sabertooth tigers fight each other. They 
Fight each other for food.


The point is to never approach a Sabertooth 
Even though they are extinct don't approach 
Anything like a Sabertooth 

Information report on Bats - Kopu


Bats come in different sizes depending on the type of species they are.
Most bats are dark black and have have a bit of brown on them.
Bats are only inches long they are very small.
They find their food in the rarest ways that's why bats are very unique.


Most bats are insectivores.
They eat moths, and other insects as they go through the air.
Bats use echolocation to find their meal as they go through the air.
Some bays also eat fruit, Vampire bats drink blood out of any living thing, other bats eat nectar out of flowers.


UK bats eat insects, each species have their own favourite meal they also have their own special way of hunting.
Most insects are caught and eaten in mid air.
All bats have very big appetites because flying uses up a lot of energy.
A common pipistrelle can eat over 3,000 insects in a single night.


There are many predators that have to do with bats it's has to compare to the location they live in and the size of species they are and where they live and what type of place they are spending the day in.
Other flying animals think that bats are a delicious meal.


Abandon mineshafts are a place where bats colonize you also find bats underneath bridges and cold spots and dark areas.


Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
Like all mammals they feed they babies milk.
We don't see bats very often because they only come out during the night in the day time they hang in dark buildings they usually hang in caves dark hollow trees and other dark places.


Bats are very interesting cause some bats eat different things and hunt in different ways.
Bats tails grow up to a body length, that's why I'm interested in bats.


Zebras are sort of like horses but always have the colors black and white.
They are not pet horses you can keep at home.

Zebras are herbivores and usually eat a variety of grasses.
They are also known to eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves and dry bark.

Zebras are important prey for lions and hyenas, and to lesser extent as prey for hunting dogs, leopards and cheetahs.
When a family group is attacked,the members form a semicircle,face the preditors and watch it, ready to bite or strike should the attack continue.

Zebra habitat can include open plains, semi-desert, open woodlands, and even mountainous regions.
Zebras can survive in hot areas but still need water like any animal needs to.

Zebras are easy to spot because of their white base coat and black stripes.
They sort of look like a horse but they have a tail with not as much hair as horses do.

Zebras are the kind of animal that always gets hunted and are very important to some species as it is a source of food.

Written by Polly